Communications Litigation Today was a service of Warren Communications News.

USTLD Agrees to $46,680 Judgment to Settle Cramming, Slamming Claims

U.S. Telecom Long Distance (USTLD) will pay $46,680 within 14 days to settle FCC allegations it violated the Communications Act, said a consent judgment Friday (docket 2:23-cv-00160) in U.S. District Court for Nevada in Las Vegas. Numerous consumers complained that USTLD changed their choice of telephone service providers without their knowledge or permission, placed unauthorized charges on their phone bills or issued “insufficiently specific” bills, said the judgment. USTLD within 90 days will certify to the FCC Enforcement Bureau “that it provided full refunds to consumers who complained in this case to the extent full refunds were not already provided,” it said. It also agreed to cease “all outbound telemarketing activity,” it said. The consent judgment “is neither an admission of liability” by the company, nor a concession by the U.S. “that its claims are not well founded,” it said. The DOJ filed a complaint against USTLD in January (see 2301310035).