Communications Litigation Today was a service of Warren Communications News.

Opening Brief Due May 26 in 3 Related Altice Appeals in 4th Circuit

Altice USA’s opening brief is due May 26 in its three related appeals (dockets 23-1142, 23-1145 and 23-1146) in the 4th U.S. Circuit Appeals Court of the district court’s denial of its motion to compel its Suddenlink customers' complaints to arbitration, said a clerk’s order Tuesday. The plaintiff-appellees’ response brief is due June 26, and any Altice reply is due 21 days from service of the response brief, it said. The plaintiffs in all three actions in U.S. District Court for Southern West Virginia in Charleston alleged Altice’s Suddenlink broadband and pay-TV offering failed to provide “safe, adequate and reliable service to its West Virginia subscribers” (see 2302090037). Altice rebranded Suddenlink Optimum in August.