Communications Litigation Today was a service of Warren Communications News.

DirecTV, Imposter Fraud Defendants Agree to Entry of Preliminary Injunction

DirecTV and the multiple defendants it accused of impersonating DirecTV telemarketers to defraud consumers (see 2211010049) agreed to entering a preliminary injunction enjoining the defendants from future misconduct, said their joint stipulation Thursday (docket 6:22-cv-00423) in U.S. District Court for Eastern Texas in Tyler. The proposed injunction bars the defendants from engaging in 16 specific types of wrongdoing, including “holding themselves out” as DirecTV agents or affiliates and contacting any existing of potential DirecTV customer “to engage in any aspect of the Imposter Fraud Scheme,” it said. Any attempts to advertise, promote or sell DirecTV “shall be deemed a presumptive violation of this injunction,” it said. Any violation will result in a “presumption of contempt” and an order for payment to DirecTV of $500 per offense in compensatory damages, it said.