American Express aided and “conspired with” Facebook to intercept communications sent and received by customers in violation of the California Invasion of Privacy Act, alleged a class action Friday (docket 1:24-cv-02408) in U.S. District Court for Southern New York in Manhattan.
Rebecca Day
Rebecca Day, Senior editor, joined Warren Communications News in 2010. She’s a longtime CE industry veteran who has also written about consumer tech for Popular Mechanics, Residential Tech Today, CE Pro and others. You can follow Day on Instagram and Twitter: @rebday
The personally identifiable information (PII) of some 7.6 million current and 65.4 million former AT&T customers was compromised in a data breach last month due to the carrier's failure to implement "adequate and reasonable" cybersecurity "procedures and protocols,” a negligence class action alleged Saturday (docket 3:24-cv-00757) in U.S. District Court for Northern Texas in Dallas. It was one of at least eight filed over the breach in the Texas court since Saturday.
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and India-based Times Internet Ltd. share subscribers’ personally identifiable information (PII) to unrelated third parties alongside video content subscribers requested or obtained from their websites, allege two Video Privacy Protection Act class actions filed Thursday.
Every iPhone sale “guarantees revenue streams well beyond the initial purchase price,” said a class action Thursday (docket 24-cv-434085) in Santa Clara County Superior Court alleging violations of California’s Business and Professions Code. Plaintiff Kyle Whiteside of San Diego bought a new iPhone 13 in July 2021 from an Apple Store in Escondido, California.
Though OnStar “ostensibly provides” Wi-Fi and location information for emergency services in case of an accident, customers were not aware the subscription in-vehicle security and communications service was “tracking data points about their driving” and sending it to their auto insurance companies to justify a rate increase, said a privacy class action (docket 2:24-cv-10804) Friday in U.S. District Court for Eastern Michigan in Detroit.
General Motors, OnStar and LexisNexis Risk Solutions secretly collect consumers’ driver behavior data through vehicle computer systems and sell that data without consumers' full notice, knowledge or consent, alleged a Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) class action Wednesday (docket 3:24-cv-00524) in U.S. District Court for Middle Pennsylvania in Scranton.
Despite assuring a customer that she wouldn’t be charged for service or hardware after a FiOS installation wasn’t successful, Verizon billed her and then reported her account as delinquent to credit reporting agencies (CRAs) Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, alleged plaintiff Ayesha Gordon in a Fair Credit Reporting Act complaint (docket 1:24-cv-00486) Wednesday in U.S. District Court for Eastern Virginia in Alexandria.
Apple’s anticompetitive conduct forced Louis Levine and class members to suffer “overcharge damages,” alleged his class action Wednesday (docket 2:24-cv-04284) in U.S. District Court for New Jersey in Newark. The class period covers iPhone individuals or entities that bought iPhones directly from Apple, other than for resale, from March 2020 to the present.
Three more antitrust lawsuits were filed Tuesday against Apple, bringing to seven the number of similar suits, including the complaint brought March 21 by DOJ and 16 attorneys general over Apple's allegedly anticompetitive and exclusionary conduct in the smartphone market (see 2403210042).
Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder and chief architect of Arista Networks, agreed to pay a $923,740 penalty to settle an insider trading fraud case, said the SEC in a news release Tuesday. Bechtolsheim, Arista chairman at the time of the cited misconduct, also agreed, "without admitting or denying the allegations in the SEC’s complaint," to be barred from serving as an officer or director of a public company for five years, it said.