Plaintiffs James and Mildred Kinchen support plaintiff Alex Petroski’s motion (see 2405030065) for transfer and centralization of related actions in In re: AT&T Inc. Customer Data Security Breach Litigation (docket 3114), but they oppose transfer to the U.S District Court for Northern Texas, said their interested party response (docket 3:24-cv-02451) Tuesday before the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation.
Rebecca Day
Rebecca Day, Senior editor, joined Warren Communications News in 2010. She’s a longtime CE industry veteran who has also written about consumer tech for Popular Mechanics, Residential Tech Today, CE Pro and others. You can follow Day on Instagram and Twitter: @rebday
Weather Group Television discloses consumers’ personally identifiable information (PII) to third parties, alleged a Video Privacy Protection Act class action Tuesday (docket 1:24-cv-11349) in U.S. District Court for Massachusetts.
In the 20 years since John Mansour, founder of National Telecommunications of Florida (NTF), put his money under the management of his brothers, their lawyer and their bankers, the plaintiff’s assets “were used to facilitate money laundering and other unauthorized transactions in the billions of dollars,” alleged a Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) complaint Friday (docket 4:24-cv-00459) in U.S. District Court for Eastern Texas in Sherman.
Marriott is using “hundreds” of videos containing unlicensed music from Sony-owned labels, according to Sony's copyright infringement suit. It was filed Friday (docket 1:24-cv-00598) in U.S. District Court for Delaware in Wilmington.
Hip-hop group Run-DMC and its brand infringed the rights of photographer Ferrin Green, also known as Shoebio, and his creative agency, Know Your Dope (KYD), when it exploited eight photographs Shoebio created during an Aug. 11, 2023, performance at Yankee Stadium in New York, alleged a copyright infringement lawsuit (docket 1:24-cv-03900) Monday in U.S. District Court for Southern New York.
Plaintiffs Ryan Unruh and Christopher Isbell oppose the consolidation of all related actions to the Northern District of Texas and support centralization in the Northern District of Georgia in In Re: AT&T Inc. Customer Data Security Breach Litigation, said their supplemental response (docket 3114) to their interested party response in support of transfer and centralization Monday before the U.S. Panel on Multidistrict Litigation.
The Shore Firm is seeking $6 million in attorneys’ fees it's allegedly owed for “successful representation” of VideoShare in a patent infringement lawsuit (6:19-cv-00663) against Google. The plaintiff received a $25.9 million judgment in the suit, rising to more than $31 million including prejudgment interest since the 2021 ruling, its April 30 petition said (docket 3:24-cv-01190) in Texas County Court in Dallas. The case was removed Friday to U.S. District Court for Northern Texas in Dallas.
Snap’s “reckless disregard for the safety of minor users” allows sexual predators to use its social media platform to target and exploit minors, alleged a negligence complaint Friday (docket 3:24-cv-03068) in U.S. District Court for South Carolina in Columbia.
Utopia Games agreed to develop MovieZu’s mobile app for iOS and Android operating systems, letting users create and sell “Hollywood-quality” animated movies. However, Utopia hasn’t delivered as promised, a fraud complaint alleged (docket 1:24-cv-03804) Thursday in U.S. District Court for Southern New York.
Global Tel-Link charged incarcerated and nonincarcerated persons rates in excess of the contract rates for certain electronic communication services in West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation (WVDCR) facilities, alleged a fraud class action Thursday (docket 1:24-cv-00827) in U.S. District Court for Eastern Virginia in Alexandria.