The government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices as of June 1 (note that some may also be given separate headlines):
The government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices as of May 29 (note that some may also be given separate headlines):
7The government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices as of May 20 (note that some may also be given separate headlines):
The Trump administration is still considering sanctioning India over purchases of Russian missile defense systems, a top State Department official said. Alice Wells, principal deputy assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asia, said there remains widespread support both within the administration and in Congress for sanctioning buyers of Russian military goods, adding that India needs to choose either U.S. or Russian military equipment, but cannot have both.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture on May 4 announced “increased availability” of credit guarantees for agricultural exports for 2020. The credit is available under the Commodity Credit Corporation’s Export Credit Guarantee Program, and includes export credit for Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, the Caucasus region, Central Asia, Asia and Latin America.
Turkey recently announced several changes to its certificate of origin submissions to customs, according to an April 27 post from KPMG. The country introduced a “cash guarantee application” in its certificate of origin rules, which can be submitted to the country’s customs authority after importation, the post said. The country also announced a process for refunds if the certificate of origin is submitted to the customs authority within six months “from the date of registration of the declaration,” the post said. Turkey may also request a trader’s certificate of origin if the goods are “subject to more than one trade policy measure, additional customs duties ... or when different rates are determined.” If the certificate cannot be submitted, the goods will incur a higher customs duty.
Canada will restart its reviews of applications for permits to export controlled goods to Turkey, Global Affairs Canada said in an April 16 notice. Canada stopped issuing new permits on Oct. 11, 2019. “in response to Turkey’s military incursion into Syria,” it said. Permit applications will now be “reviewed on a case-by-case basis under Canada’s risk assessment framework,” it said. “However, applications to export Group 2 items (i.e., military items) will be presumptively denied. These applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether exceptional circumstances exist to justify issuing the permit, including in relation to NATO cooperation programs.” Exporters who had permits to export to Turkey before Oct. 11, 2019, may now restart exporting under the terms of those permits, it said.
The government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices as of April 8 (note that some may also be given separate headlines):
The government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices as of April 6 (note that some may also be given separate headlines):
Arent Fox issued an export control reference guide with governments that have imposed export restrictions on personal protective equipment due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, according to a March 27 post. The law firm recently updated the list to include export control measures imposed by Bahrain, Canada, Kenya, New Zealand and Vietnam, and updated information for controls imposed by India, Singapore and Turkey.